IT Staff Augmentation Market

By Cristian Leonardo

Did you know that the IT Infrastructure Outsourcing Market revenue reached 2018 US$ 262.53 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) of 6.5% from 2019 to 2027? When staffing is what you have in mind to outsource, Latin America can be your ideal market.

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5 Tips on How to Be Productive as a Software Developer

By Melissa Garnica

In 2021, the need for social distancing due to the evident COVID-19 crisis prompted many companies to embrace work from home, including tech ones. Thu…

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All You Need to Know to Get Started with Python

By Melissa Garnica

So, you’ve decided to get started with Python? Great to hear! It’s always a pleasure to introduce another person to the Python community.

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Everis inaugurates its third software development center in Colombia

By Cristian Leonardo

Everis, the Spanish IT multinational, has launched its third software development center in Colombia.   A $171,806 USD investment provided b…

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Culture vs. Salary: A Dilemma for People in Tech Industry

By Melissa Garnica

Have you faced the dilemma of choosing between a tech company’s friendly culture and a salary offer? If that’s your case, you are not alon…

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