Hacking With These 5 Programming Languages

By Melissa Garnica

When you think of Hacking, surely the first thing that comes to your mind is evil people trying to hack systems illegally. But actually, that&nbs…

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Full Stack JavaScript Developer: To Be or Not to Be

By Melissa Garnica

To be or not to be a full stack JavaScript developer, that’s the question. Being a full stack developer of any language means great opportunitie…

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Basic Python Projects to Develop in a Weekend

By Melissa Garnica

Learning any programming language on your own can be tricky. You can spend a lot of time watching videos and reading books. However, if you don’…

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Ruby on Rails Vs Node.js: How to choose one?

By Melissa Garnica

What technology to use for a project? This is one of the most critical and difficult decisions to make when developing an application. Today, we will…

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Python Vs. JavaScript: Pros, Cons, and Projection

By Melissa Garnica

python and javascript: Today we want to talk about two on-demand languages for both developers and companies around the world, Python and JavaScript.

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