Colombia's Dominance On the Emergent Tech Space

By Melissa Garnica

A decade ago, the idea that this country would go from an economy based on its notorious drug trading history to a quickly growing environment for the technology industry would have sounded ludicrous. That’s why nowadays this country has become an emergent space for technologies

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Nearshore Outsourcing Advantages

By Melissa Garnica

Focused on the growth of your core business and you have some extra projects that need to be done. After much research, you’ve decided that outsourcin…

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How much should you pay for an outsourced developer?

By Melissa Garnica

An important question to ask yourself in 2021 is, “What is a good rate when paying for an outsourced developer?” Upfront, this may seem like a simple question, but rates may vary according to the Outsourcing Software Development companies and their location.

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How to choose a software development methodology?

By Melissa Garnica

Software development methodology: The digital age has transformed how businesses operate. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become…

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Software Test Automation: 5 things you should know

By Melissa Garnica

These days, with the acceleration that the business world moves at, the software industry has had to overhaul some of its methods. Entering a stage wh…

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