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Python for Smart Cities

Learn how to apply python in the creation of smart cities.

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Tools to Convert Python Code to JavaScript (and vice versa)

Did you know that it is possible to convert Python code to JavaScript? Yes! Programming languages work everywhere, but some tools help do it possible.

Python Vs. JavaScript: Pros, Cons, and Projection

Python and JavaScript. How to choose one? Hard to answer, right? Although there is no definitive answer, we can see the pros, cons, and projections.

Before Python, these were the languages used for AI

Learning Artificial Intelligence has almost become synonymous with learning to program in Python.

Hacking With These 5 Programming Languages

Did you know that there are different types of hackers? Here we explain it! We will also talk about the most used programming languages for hacking.

All You Need to Know to Get Started with Python

How to get started with Python? Learning how to use Python is a worthwhile endeavor. Let's check out the best tips and websites to learn to code!

Big Companies You Didn’t Know Use Python in 2021

There are many companies that use Python in 2021. It isn't just quick and dirty prototyping or "teaching language" for beginners. It is a powerful tool.

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Basic Python Projects to Develop in a Weekend

Projects will help you put together everything you've learned, and create a portfolio. Get your hands dirty with these basic Python projects!

Python for Smart Cities

Learn how to apply python in the creation of smart cities.

[video_lightbox_youtube video_id="d7Zrn6D9ytc&rel=0" width="640" height="480" anchor="PLAY VIDEO"]
Before Python, these were the languages used for AI

Learning Artificial Intelligence has almost become synonymous with learning to program in Python.

Big Companies You Didn’t Know Use Python in 2021

There are many companies that use Python in 2021. It isn't just quick and dirty prototyping or "teaching language" for beginners. It is a powerful tool.

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Tools to Convert Python Code to JavaScript (and vice versa)

Did you know that it is possible to convert Python code to JavaScript? Yes! Programming languages work everywhere, but some tools help do it possible.

Hacking With These 5 Programming Languages

Did you know that there are different types of hackers? Here we explain it! We will also talk about the most used programming languages for hacking.

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Basic Python Projects to Develop in a Weekend

Projects will help you put together everything you've learned, and create a portfolio. Get your hands dirty with these basic Python projects!

Python Vs. JavaScript: Pros, Cons, and Projection

Python and JavaScript. How to choose one? Hard to answer, right? Although there is no definitive answer, we can see the pros, cons, and projections.

All You Need to Know to Get Started with Python

How to get started with Python? Learning how to use Python is a worthwhile endeavor. Let's check out the best tips and websites to learn to code!